Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Venpongal, Akaravadisal, Thengai Chutney, Sambar, Kilangu, Sugarcane

Signage Agency's Gift
Top row: Cashew, Badam, Raisins. 2nd row: Pista, Walnuts, Anjir
After 7 years, we were home for Pongal. Was glad to be with family. Was overwhelmed traveling unreserved in SETC bus. My brother was offered 4 gift packets of dry fruits. But being the large hearted simha lagnam Swati, he accepted just one. So for the akaravadisal, i added even pistas in addition to badams, cashews and raisins.

It was a work from home day, so, i was just preparing the deck all day. Relatives came home and forced me away from the laptop; to make them yummy Pista milkshakes. After a fortnight, will make walnut dates cake in cooker. Need to figure out what is to the right of walnuts.

Health Benefits (source)

Pista (V-,PK+)
Tonic, sedative
Indications: Anemia, neurasthenia, builds muscles. Rich in Potassion, Magnesium and Phosphorus salts

Almonds (Decreases vata and pitta and increases kapha)

Walnuts V-PK+
Actions: Nutritive, aphrodisiac, laxative; unripe fruit and hust is antiparasitical
Indications: Marrow, calms the nerves, reproductive tissues, laxative for elderly, useful for parasites, ringworm (internal and external), skin conditions. Leaves are used as a wash for malignant sores and leukorrhea. High in Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin A, reduces serum cholesterol.

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